Mission Inc

Serving Christ in India
Himalayan Mission Activities
The primary work of the mission is evangelizing to the unreached areas in India. By the grace of God we have set up Himalayan Mission church in Mohali which is the central core of all the sub-churches set-up in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and the Kashmir State. We are giving baptism and also conducting Christian matrimonial ceremonies, crusades, daily prayer fellowship with the believers and encouraging them to grow in the Lord. The missions have nine dedicated staff members that are assigned with various tasks where the people can call anytime, anywhere for prayer. Every Wednesday there is prayer and fasting with evening Bible studies for the believers. Thursday, is mainly for visiting Punjabi believers in Madanheri. Saturday evening, English service for one and all. Our program on Sunday, features two consecutive Hindi services in the morning and a Nepali service in the evening.

Sow a seed for Christ in India. Learn about our projects such as our slum school education program, missionary church planters, Bible college, Himalayan Mission Church and elementary school development.

Read the latest good news from our quarterly newsletters from Pastor D.K. Angami.

The Himalayan Mission serves the community in North India, Nepal and Bhutan for Christ. We are currently headquartered in Chandigarh, India.